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6 Ways to Help Battle the Effects of Burnout


The entrepreneurs all over the world are stressed with one question the most, “What If I Fail?”. This stress pushes them to work even harder round the clock, ultimately leading to the burnout.

So the question is, “How do you help employees (or co-founders) who are experiencing burnout get back on track?”

Here Are A Few Tips From The Successful Entrepreneurs Worldwide To Deal With Burnout

Jeff Cayley (Worldwide Cyclery): Create A Tailored Solution

Everyone gets burned out here and there. As a leader you need to ask, listen and then create a solution. There is not one single reason people get burned out. We are all individuals with unique tasks, thoughts, problems, etc. Ask and listen to people. Then come up with the best solution you can both agree on and put it into action!

Simon Berg (Ceros)Encourage Transparency And Vulnerability

Burnout is inevitable, especially in a startup environment. As a CEO, it’s important to watch for signs of burnout among your executives and to teach them how to look for signs on their teams. Transparency and vulnerability are key to getting employees back on track after a burnout. We listen carefully, and when necessary, take action. Sometimes, that action is a short break, other times it’s a change.

David Henzel (davidhenzel.com): Get Them Grounded

It’s different for every person, but find a way to get them grounded and back on track. I’ve found regular meditation, yoga and massages to work wonders.

Angela Ruth (Calendar): Offer More Flexibility

Burnout is often more related to the struggle to balance all of life and work responsibilities that seem to increase over time. By providing employees with more flexible working arrangements, they may feel relieved and more relaxed, knowing that they can strike a balance and more effectively take care of all their responsibilities. In return, they are more likely to feel and act productively.

Zach Binder (Bell + Ivy): Offer New Challenges

Offering new challenges in the form of projects or positions might help an employee work through burnout, as burnout typically has to do with the fact that what they were doing is no longer interesting or hold any real challenge for them. In providing these new challenges, you will want to include the training or education to set them up for the new work.

Jayne Cooke (EVENTup): Ditch the Monotony

I like to check in with my employees and make sure they are happy. To keep it fresh and fun in the office, we’re always doing contests, having ping pong tournaments, potlucks, ugly sweater contests — anything to help make the environment fun and keep the day-to-day exciting.

In partnership with Citi, the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship programme that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.

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